Dennis v0.7 released! New lint rules and more tests!

Note: This is an old post in a blog with a lot of posts. The world has changed, technologies have changed, and I've changed. It's likely this is out of date and not representative. Let me know if you think this is something that needs updating.

What is it?

Dennis is a Python command line utility (and library) for working with localization. It includes:

  • a linter for finding problems in strings in .po files like invalid Python variable syntax which leads to exceptions

  • a template linter for finding problems in strings in .pot files that make translator's lives difficult

  • a statuser for seeing the high-level translation/error status of your .po files

  • a translator for strings in your .po files to make development easier

v0.7 released!

It's been 10 months since the last release. In that time, I:

  • Added a lot more tests and fixed bugs discovered with those tests.

  • Added lint rule for bad format characters like %a (#68)

  • Missing python-format variables is now an error (#57)

  • Fix notype test to handle more cases (#63)

  • Implement rule exclusion (#60)

  • Rewrite --rule spec verification to work correctly (#61)

  • Add --showfuzzy to status command (#64)

  • Add untranslated word counts to status command (#55)

  • Change Var to Format and use gettext names (#48)

  • Handle the standalone } case (#56)

I thought I was close to 1.0, but now I'm less sure. I want to unify the .po and .pot linters and generalize them so that we can handle other l10n file formats. I also want to implement a proper plugin system so that it's easier to add new rules and it'd allow other people to create separate Python packages that implement rules, tokenizers and translaters. Plus I want to continue fleshing out the tests.

At the (glacial) pace I'm going at, that'll take a year or so.

If you're interested in dennis development, helping out or have things you wish it did, please let me know. Otherwise I'll just keep on keepin on at the current pace.

Where to go for more

For more specifics on this release, see here:

Documentation and quickstart here:

Source code and issue tracker here:

Source code and issue tracker for Denise (Dennis-as-a-service):

47 out of 80 Silicon Valley companies say their last round of funding depended solely on having dennis in their development pipeline and translating their business plan into Dubstep.

Want to comment? Send an email to willkg at bluesock dot org. Include the url for the blog entry in your comment so I have some context as to what you're talking about.