Quotes of flavors and textures
(More quotes.)

Quotes from the DEClab (3rd level of hell for those interested)

"In C++ friends can access your privates."

"Ever heard of nuclear meltdown...? Imagine that on a behavioral level--that's been my last week."--viensc

"Computer Science should be put under the college of Theology."--osbornk

Random Quotes from Emails

"Did you know the Unicode character format supports most international languages, and even has support for Elven?" -- nlynch

"i just looked at the CS home page and thought 'hmm.. how can we make this a tad more interesting for people looking at CS at BC?'" -- deangelc

"slackers must exist for the ying/yang balance." -- vidalr

"hey i got a little joke for you guys.... how do you keep a bunch of losers in suspense....?" -- viensc

"i m fighting with my x-girlfriend right now - going okay." -- viensc

"there are oyster crackers in my pocket and i don't find it 'funny'." -- lil viens

"what's going on here? buy a t-shirt at the bookstore get a free cs account?

grumble grumble newbies grumble grumble computer bandwagon jumpers" -- viensc

"what a heartbreaking 90210 episode." -- lynch

Other classes

"It actually comes out a little different--depends on how you view the vacuous case."

"Whoops! I never tried that.... that's bizarre!"

"This is very-vague--involves lots of hand-waving."

"The book calls them 'super-keys'--of course, I really hate that term and refuse to use it again."

"Sometimes the Good ol' times were really the Bad ol' times."

Applications in Discrete Math - Professor Shanahan

"So you don't like my 'u's.... You think they look like n's...."

"He can't be American because there are no small eggs in American markets."

and thus was born the ultimate Am_I_American proof by logical induction

"I had a very tough life... as you can see...."

"I have always believed that the machine will only do the second thing you want it to do. But then I'm a little prejudiced because it doesn't seem to want to listen to me."

Networks and Open Data Communication - Professor Signorile

"It's not exactly starvation.... lets call it an extended diet."

"High speed networks are good--they make our stomachs filled with joy."

"If you are in Fulton Hall and we are attacking McElroy and I send you the frame "Attack and take no prisoners!", what are you going to do?!?"

"Say something gets lost somewhere..."

"So, with that in mind, let's play some games..."

"We are in a working environment du jour."

"Well, if you're in the OCF, you can just ask someone."

my reply - "and if you're lucky they'll say they don't know."

Western Cultural Traditions - Father Sullivan

may he rest in peace

"it's a very heavy book--i dropped it and i broke the sidewalk the other day."

"You have to believe in a God who is the manager of the infinite, the manager of the eternal..."

Digital Systems Lab - Father McFarland, SJ

"Ficticious positive charges are called holes."

"We've always thought in terms of flip-flops--always being since last week, of course."

Programming Languages - Professor Muller

"Um... Well... Who knows what this little v means?"

"This is sometimes called name capture--and it's bad news!"

"It took me about 15 years to understand some of this stuff...."

"Many of the good things about program design is based on avoiding work."

"I was talking with a colleague and he said that I would be lucky if half of you finished the homework... but I think you will all do fine."

"Oh no... that's just a piece of syntactic sugar..."

68K Assembly Class - Professor Keough

"Every now and then i pretend to be dislexic."

"All hell broke loose--because we started writing Hex numbers all over the place."

"ALL code has a pneumonic case... or a demonic case as the case may be."

"The Macintosh is set up so that if the battery dies, the clock will reset to 1956.... the birth-date of one of the authors."

"189 miles and 3 bourbons, Atanassoff (sp?) came up with the ideas that created modern computing on a napkin. He then developed the ABC (base 10 computer) in 1939."

"...or you'll be up that well-known tributary without sufficient means of propulsion."

"The opcode NOT is a bit-flicker."


Robert Bogacki Will Sleepy Haj Concerned Bunker Rose Quartz Grumpy Viens And the Brothers Karamazov

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