.. title: Translations for Miro 3.5 -- we need your help! .. slug: translations_miro_3_5 .. date: 2010-09-27 14:30:56 .. tags: miro, work

We pushed out Miro 3.5 rc1 on Friday and in doing that, we've marked the end of this development cycle. Strings at this point should be very stable--what's there is what'll be there for the release.

Miro users need your help! According to Launchpad, as of this writing, the following languages have complete translations:

The following languages are pretty close:

All other languages have more than 30 untranslated strings.

Miro users need your help!

Here's Miro in Turkish:

Miro interface in Turkish

Here's Miro in Arabic:

Miro interface in Arabic

Here's Miro in German:

Miro interface in German

Miro users need your help!

Please go to https://translations.launchpad.net/democracy/trunk/+translations and help us make Miro great for users who speak languages you know! We've worked really hard on Miro over the last six months to fix bugs, add new functionality, and take Miro to the next level. But this work won't make a lick of difference if users can't use the application because it's in a foreign language for them.

We're looking at doing a Miro 3.5 final release in the next few weeks--somewhere around October 11th.

Miro users need your help!

Also, if you've spent time working on translations, let me know! We have a hard time tracking who is doing translation work on Miro and we want to make sure that you are appreciated and thanked. Either comment below or send me an email.