.. title: Python Miro Community status: 01-22-2011 .. slug: status_20110409 .. date: 2011-04-09 21:55:18 .. tags: pmc, dev, miro, mirocommunity, python, work

I haven't posted the PyCon 2011 videos to Python Miro Community, yet. First, I was waiting for Ogg Theora versions of the videos to get posted. Then I was waiting for Miro Community 1.2 to get released. Now I'm waiting for duplicate Ogg Theora versions of the videos to get removed so that I can successfully pull in all the videos without fear of them getting moved around and the urls to get stale.

A month ago, I knew we were doing some things we hadn't done before and therefore it was going to take longer than it usually does. But I never expected it to take this long. It's sort of been a perfect storm of things to block on.

Regardless, the Miro Community released 1.2 and it includes a bunch of fixes to the admin side of the site that make some things doable again. Additionally, it includes a few fixes I submitted upstream--these are my first contributions to Miro Community to fix issues I was working around with Python Miro Community. I look forward to fixing some more things especially now that I have a working Miro Community development environment. Congratulations to the Miro Community team on a successful release!

That's where things are at. I haven't forgotten about PyCon 2011--it's just taking a lot longer than I expected it to.