R | O | B | ' | S | W | E | B | P | A | G | E |
The Background:
My webpage used to be black in protest of a bill that Clinton signed in 1996 that somehow infringed on my rights as an internet junky. I really don't know what that bill was about or if I ever knew what it was about and I no longer consider myself an internet junky. So now it's yellow in protest of me having been such a clueless idiot. Anyway, I just changed it now a full 4 years later so don't expect more changes any time soon. |
The foreground:
It has words. Nothing very exciting. I guess I'll tell you a little about myself: I was born in Souix Falls, SD ... At the time you are reading this, which I assume is the present, I'm probably still in my twenties. .. a lot of cool stuff happened between the birth thing and now ... At the time of writing this I live in Boston and commute to NYC every week for work. I now may or may not live in Katmandu. |
Relevent / Useful Links:
sheeplover's anonymous - I am a member World at War - great game to waste time on my resume - I like 40 hour weeks & good pay Motely Fool - sound financial advice jdk 1.2 - java reference for java geeks Chick Publications - these tracks amuse me silva's homepage - he's a funny kid Fark.com - It's not news, it's fark |
- home | - photo album | - my email |