farewell to the sillycs

Note: This is an old post in a blog with a lot of posts over a long span of time. The world has changed, technologies have changed, and I've changed. It's likely this is out of date, the code doesn't work, the ideas haven't aged well, or the ideas were terrible to begin with. Let me know if you think this is something that needs updating.

So on Friday (or Thursday--I forget) I bowed out of the SillyCS mailing list--a list I helped to start back in 1996 or so when we were all happy Computer Science majors at Boston College. People have approached me as to why I did such a thing. I just became less and less interested and it was less and less fun for me.

I think part of the problem was that the SillyCS went one way but I wanted it to go another. Case in point--it was SillyCS not SillySPORTS.

Anyhow, for nostalgic reasons, I post the following excerpts of the SillyCS mythos from way back in the day:

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