Substitutes make life nicer
They really do. Case in point, take this conversation on the Necro guild line:
Chats (last 15 of 102 available):
Nabiki [19-L]: ive never played that Nabiki [19-L]: better get my booty to raylorn Rapocco [33-P]: is there an info file? Flamerus [13-V]: k but i need a min xplainin vamps to a friend Shadowhawke [Lady]: the instructions are there, it's fun! Saidin [Marq-V]: bah boot [->GUILD<-]: Halix rises from the crypt. Halix [13-V]: lo all [ 7:30pm ] Flamerus [13-V]: lol Macros [30-P]: Hi Halix Flamerus [13-V]: ne1 else want to play??????????????????? Flamerus [13-V]: morion go to courtyard(1st) Flamerus [13-V]: there r instructions u can read Morion [21-W]: ah :P
One substitute command later and I now see this:
Chats (last 15 of 102 available): Nabiki [19-L]: ive never played that Nabiki [19-L]: better get my booty to raylorn Rapocco [33-P]: is there an info file? ignore [13-V]: k but i need a min xplainin vamps to a friend Shadowhawke [Lady]: the instructions are there, it's fun! Saidin [Marq-V]: bah boot [->GUILD<-]: Halix rises from the crypt. Halix [13-V]: lo all [ 7:30pm ] ignore [13-V]: lol Macros [30-P]: Hi Halix ignore [13-V]: ne1 else want to play??????????????????? ignore [13-V]: morion go to courtyard(1st) ignore [13-V]: there r instructions u can read Morion [21-W]: ah :P