Dev call 2/17/2010 minutes
Miro 3.0 status (roadmap) (was Miro 2.6)
rc2 is going well: 150 Windows downloads, 60 OSX downloads, 30 source downloads
there are a few bugs we're still working on, then another release candidate
Miro Community 1.0 status (roadmap)
coming along
continued testing Miro 3.0
worked on subtitle support issues on Windows
looking into weird crashes that Nick saw
looking into crashes on upgrade
worked on some bugs
worked on the miro user manual
worked on python and gnome miro community
fixed some bugs that Janet found on Monday
worked on Miro Community stuff over the last week
we have two designers working on the style sheets and html
working with Morgan on an admin system refresh
working on moving feed updates to a separate server with a queue
24 bugs/feature-requests created
1 bugs marked
1 bugs marked DUPLICATE
13 bugs marked FIXED
1 bugs marked WONTFIX