Dev call 6/23/2010 minutes
Miro 3.1 status (roadmap)
working on rebuilding the Windows build environment
Miro Community 1.0.1 status (roadmap)
working on scaling issues
working on minor bugs
first public demo of the subtitles widget. (see
worked on documentation-y stuff for Miro Community.
worked on scaling architecture
worked on table view crashes on OSX
worked on downloader shutdown slowness on OSX
add a conversions preference panel
did a bunch of cleanup stuff:
put bugzilla overlay in a repository,
put the roadmap in the bugzilla-scripts repository to share with others,
worked with rob to get the userguide squared away in regards to the new workflow
continued working on the downloader crashing problem in the new windows build environment--I've ruled out some issues, but I haven't figured it out, yet.
volunteered at the FSF on Tuesday. spent a few hours talking to a friend about Windows build enviroments on Saturday.
8 bugs/feature-requests created
3 bugs marked WONTFIX
4 bugs marked FIXED