Dev call March 9th, 2011
Miro 4.0 status (roadmap)
lots of flux in git-master, but the code is starting to stabilize
working on metadata support, device syncing, performance enhancements, extensions, streaming to other devices (ipad, ...), ...
working on project infrastructure: wiki, nightlies, nightly runs of unit tests, ...
past the codefreeze--switching to mini-deadlines for important functionality.
got a lot of ui overhaul stuff done: main display, item details widget
lot of other things to work on
worked on ui overhaul stuff: top chrome, sidebar tweaks, and investigating complex issues
working on Amazon stores-related things
picked up OSX titlebar bug
worked on sharing issues and tidying up the code
worked on tablist issues and list view columns
worked on windows build environment issues
fixed up a bunch of P1 bugs, synced translations, ...
worked on magnet uri support and landed it today
worked on resume playback changes
worked on paypal payment system for MC tiers
worked on the POV theme
Order of business:
Talked about associating Miro with magnet uris; the problem is that magnet uris require a protocol association, so there's nothing in Miro that currently does this. The other problem is that the different platforms have different conventions for associations. Jonas is going to create a few tickets and we'll figure out what to do going forward.
We're pushing on P1 bugs--going to give mini-deadlines a break for a week.
git master is in pretty heavy flux right now and because of that nightlies are pretty unstable--use them at your own risk. This will sort itself over time when there are fewer massive changes being made.
Miro is developed by a community of people including you! If you can't contribute your time and work, please consider contributing funding by donating. Your money goes directly to ongoing development of Miro and related projects. See for more details on these projects.
Did you know there's a Miro User Manual? If you haven't looked at it yet, it's worth taking a look at. You can find it at
Bugzilla stats for Miro for the last week:
134 bugs/feature-requests created
6 bugs marked WORKSFORME
1 bugs marked INVALID
8 bugs marked DUPLICATE
3 bugs marked WONTFIX
73 bugs marked FIXED