I just finished the midterm for my Principles of Programming Languages class with Professor Mitch Wand and it was an absolutely exciting experience. So exciting that when I got home I wrote an email to Professor Wand telling him that it was the most exciting exam I've had at Northeastern. It was filled with all these exciting mind-bending puzzles complete with subtle nuances and all kinds of exciting stuff!
So then I told S that I just wrote my professor to tell him that the exam was really awesome. Then it occurred to me that I'm a nerd--the evidence is clear on that note. Then I said, "Gosh--I should just follow it up with an entry on my blog!" At that point, S burst out laughing and said, "You know you're a nerd when you come home from a midterm, write to the professor telling him it was really great, and then write a blog entry about the whole thing complete with introspection of the entire event." Well, she didn't say that whole thing, but she was definitely thinking it.