New job--PCF
It's been a chaotic few months... I worked a lot the last two weeks of grad school, got my Masters, got married, went on a honey moon (or toffee moon depending on where you live), pushed out a new version of PyBlosxom, and ... got a job! I'll be a developer on the Democracy Player (soon to be Miro) at Participatory Culture.
I'm really psyched about this. Hopefully it nicely weds my Open Source/Free Software development hobbies with employment. Hopefully it nicely weds the way I like doing software development with the way I have to do it for work. Regardless, it's nice to be working in one major language (Python) rather than two (Java and Python). Also, there's a lot of really neat technology that PCF is using that I haven't worked with before--so it'll definitely be a growing experience.
I start next Monday (July 16th). Because I'll be doing Python development for employment, it'll be a lot easier to focus on Python-oriented things and blog more about Python the language, tools, methodologies and all that, too.