Photo managing
I moved a bunch of photos from my laptop (running Windows XP) to my desktop (running Ubuntu 06.06) and then slurped a bunch of photos from Shutterfly (using a painfully monotonous and guified method) only to discover that the photos I slurped from Shutterfly don't have timestamps of when the photo was taken in the EXIF headers. That's what I get for slurping.
I've never really used F-Spot much but I know the version number is at 0.1.11 or something like that so I figured it'd be pretty bereft of helpful features. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I can adjust the timestamp on each photo. Not only that, but I can select a bunch of photos and adjust the timestamp on all of them at the same time.
I spend the next few hours fiddling with photos and getting them into a decent state with descriptions and all that and then export them to a folder.
There isn't much of a thesis statement to this blog entry. For the most part this entry is a long-winded explanation for how happy I was to discover I can fix the timestamps on a bunch of photos at the same time using a piece of software that says it's version 0.1.11.