Dev call 12/09/2009 minutes
2.6 status (roadmap)
subtitle work is almost done
lots of bugs to work on, but some might have been fixed in 2.5.4--Janet is going to retest
lots of little bugs to work on left--we could use the help if anyone is interested in contributing!
Worked on Miro Community 0.8.5. It's pretty close to done--there are two outstanding bugs.
Hoping to push out Miro Community 0.8.5 out in the next few days. Lots of bug fixes, cool new administration stuff.
After that, there are a few big bugs for 0.9 to work on.
Worked on getting 2.5.4 out. Looks like it's been a good release with few complaints.
Working on figuring out the shutdown crash for Miro on Windows. This has been difficult and very trial-and-error.
Worked on Miro Community testing.
Worked with Janet on that shutdown crash.
Worked on Miro 2.6 issues from bugzilla. Just kind of going through and cherry-picking easy issues and nasty issues.
Pushed out 2.5.4.
Worked on menu refactoring.
Worked on subtitles stuff.
10 bugs/feature-requests created
3 bugs marked WONTFIX
3 bugs marked FIXED
1 bugs marked INVALID