status: week ending 2/26/2008
It was an exciting week:
Bought a new laptop (Dell 1420n with Ubuntu Gutsy on it, 4 GB of memory and BRIGHT YELLOW)
Spent a couple of days switching to the new laptop and getting VNC working on my desktop machine
Worked on bugs 9614, 9627 and 3067--9627 took me a while to figure out
Centralized the list of projects for internships, GSOC, et al -- see it at
Toyed with Hardy Heron alpha 5 for a few hours to get a feel for where we are with that; turns out Miro 1.1.2 is in the Hardy repositories, so that's a good sign
This coming week I'm planning to:
Work on 1.2 bugs starting with mine and continuing with Nassar's
Take a look at the two-stage problem with the site
I want to send HUGE thank yous to the following people:
mutantmonkey for the patch which disables the x screensaver for GTKX11 when watching movies in fullscreen -- this is awesome!
Njaal for the patch so that Miro will automatically stop seeding torrents when a specified ratio is reached in bug 8793
Sid for the excellent bug report for 9627
elmargol for help with bug 9614
Uwe from Debian and Christopher from Ubuntu for the work they're doing and the help they give us on packaging
Also, I'd like to apologize for posting my last status so late. I back-dated it, so it probably showed up on the planet pretty low.