pyvideo status: January 15th, 2016

What is is an index of Python-related conference and user-group videos on the Internet. Saw a session you liked and want to share it? It's likely you can find it, watch it, and share it with

This is the latest status report for all things happening on the site.

It's also an announcement about the end.

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Dennis v0.7 released! New lint rules and more tests!

What is it?

Dennis is a Python command line utility (and library) for working with localization. It includes:

  • a linter for finding problems in strings in .po files like invalid Python variable syntax which leads to exceptions

  • a template linter for finding problems in strings in .pot files that make translator's lives difficult

  • a statuser for seeing the high-level translation/error status of your .po files

  • a translator for strings in your .po files to make development easier

v0.7 released!

It's been 10 months since the last release. In that time, I:

  • Added a lot more tests and fixed bugs discovered with those tests.

  • Added lint rule for bad format characters like %a (#68)

  • Missing python-format variables is now an error (#57)

  • Fix notype test to handle more cases (#63)

  • Implement rule exclusion (#60)

  • Rewrite --rule spec verification to work correctly (#61)

  • Add --showfuzzy to status command (#64)

  • Add untranslated word counts to status command (#55)

  • Change Var to Format and use gettext names (#48)

  • Handle the standalone } case (#56)

I thought I was close to 1.0, but now I'm less sure. I want to unify the .po and .pot linters and generalize them so that we can handle other l10n file formats. I also want to implement a proper plugin system so that it's easier to add new rules and it'd allow other people to create separate Python packages that implement rules, tokenizers and translaters. Plus I want to continue fleshing out the tests.

At the (glacial) pace I'm going at, that'll take a year or so.

If you're interested in dennis development, helping out or have things you wish it did, please let me know. Otherwise I'll just keep on keepin on at the current pace.

Where to go for more

For more specifics on this release, see here:

Documentation and quickstart here:

Source code and issue tracker here:

Source code and issue tracker for Denise (Dennis-as-a-service):

47 out of 80 Silicon Valley companies say their last round of funding depended solely on having dennis in their development pipeline and translating their business plan into Dubstep.

Input: Trigger rule project Phase 1


Last quarter, I finished up the suggester framework for Input. When a user leaves feedback, registered suggester modules would look at the feedback metadata and text and return suggested links. The suggested links would then show up on the Thank You page. Users could then read a bit about the link and click on it if it was appealing.

The first suggester I wrote does a search against SUMO kb articles to see if any of the kb articles seemed relevant to the feedback. Users frequently leave feedback about problems they're having that could be known issues with known solutions or even problems Firefox solves with features the user wasn't aware of. Because of this, it behooves us greatly to guide these users to the solutions that make their Firefox experience better. I wrote a post about that.

This project covers adding a new suggester that allows analyzers to set up trigger rules for suggestions which is stored in the database. When feedback matches the criteria for a trigger rule, then the suggestion is shown.

I pushed out the last code changes on September 9th, 2015. On September 25th, we created a trigger rule for feedback talking about Norton's addon and suggested a link for a SUMO kb article that talks about the problem. In the 5 days, 22 people saw the suggestion and 6 clicked on the link.

This blog post is a write-up for the Trigger rule project phase 1.

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Input: Moving to Django 1.8: retrospective (2015)



1 year

  • upgraded Input to Django 1.8

  • paved road for AMO, MDN, and other Mozilla sites

  • wrapped up jingo, jingo-minify, and other playdough-era projects

  • built migration path from Tower to Puente and other l10n options


Over the course of 2015, we've been reworking large parts of the Fjord codebase to do the following:

  1. ditch jingo and friends and other libraries that deviate from typical Django and aren't active projects

  2. reduce complexity by moving closer to a "default/typical Django project"

  3. upgrade to Django 1.8

This blog post covers many grueling details including order we did things, design decisions we made and some anecdotes.

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pytest-wholenodeid addon: v0.2 released!

What is it?

pytest-wholenodeid is a pytest addon that shows the whole node id on failure rather than just the domain part. This makes it a lot easier to copy and paste the entire node id and re-run the test.

v0.2 released!

I wrote it in an hour today to make it easier to deal with test failures. Then I figured I'd turn it into a real project so friends could use it. Now you can use it, too!

I originally released v0.1 (the first release) and then noticed on PyPI that the description was a mess, so I fixed that and released v0.2.

To install:

pip install pytest-wholenodeid

It runs automatically. If you want to disable it temporarily, pass the --nowholeid argument to pytest.

More details on exactly what it does on the PyPI page.

If you use it and find issues, write up an issue in the issue tracker.

Input: 2015q2 quarter in review

2015q2 was a bit slower bug-count-wise than 2015q1, but we got some important things accomplished.

Things to know:

  • Input is Mozilla's product feedback site.

  • Fjord is the code that runs Input.

  • We maintain project details and plans at

  • I am Will Kahn-Greene and I'm the tech lead, architect, QA and primary developer on Input.

This is the quarter in review for Mozilla Input!

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