Observability Team Newsletter (2023q4)

Observability Team is a team dedicated to the problem domain and discipline of Observability at Mozilla. We will own, manage, and support infrastructure and tools supporting Mozilla products and services. Currently this includes crash ingestion related services: Crash Stats and crash ingestion pipeline (Socorro), Mozilla Symbols Server (Tecken), and Mozilla Symbolication Service (Eliot). In 2024, we'll be working with SRE to take over many of the observability tools that they are currently supporting like Sentry, Grafana, New Relic, and others.

This newsletter covers an overview of 2023q4. Please forward it to interested readers.


  • 🎉 Team Changes: Socorro Engineering becomes Observability Team and picks up new members.

  • 📄 Documentation: Overhauled support documentation for crash ingestion services.

  • ❤️‍🩹 Socorro: Stability: Fixed ongoing Socorro processor stability problem. [bug 1795017]

  • 🏆 Socorro: Code-info lookup: Implemented code-info lookup for symbols files. [bug 1746940] [Retro]

  • 🔒 Tecken: Removed private symbols bucket support.[bug 1843356]

  • 📚 Tecken: Removed missing symbols bookkeeping. [bug 1774004]

  • 📱 Evolving SRE: Took over application support for crash ingestion services.

See details below.

Blog posts

Detailed project updates

Team changes

Prior to October, 2023, the Socorro Engineering team maintained crash ingestion systems and related services: Crash Stats and the crash ingestion pipeline, Mozilla Symbols Server, and Mozilla Symbolication Service.

In October 2023, that team picked up a couple of new people--Bianca and Sven--and changed names to become the Observability Team. In mid-December, Observability Team picked up a fourth teammate: Relud.

As we move into 2024, we expect to pick up other observability related services and work on service stability, support, and building out documentation of best practices across them supporting Mozilla products and services.

See our Confluence page for contact information, roughly what we're working on, how to do various things (add crash annotations, get protected data access, etc), and service/support documentation.

Overhauled support documentation for crash ingestion services

Documentation for crash ingestion services has been kind of all over the place. Going forward, we're working to make it clearer and easier to find.

We're moving some "how to" documentation into this tree in Confluence. Some interesting ones:

We'll add to that and improve it as time goes on. We'll be looking at centralizing API, tools, data dictionary, and other documentation over the next year as well.

If there are things you have questions about and can't find documentation for it, please let us know.

Socorro: Fixed ongoing Socorro processor stability problem

In September 2022, Mozilla began adding inline function data into symbols files. This increased the size of symbols files significantly. For example, the symbols file for xul.dll files went from around 200mb to 700mb. The increase in file size increased the time it takes for the stackwalker to download and parse symbols files, reduced the number of files the processor could store in the on-disk symbols cache, and caused the processor instances to suddenly slow down in periods of high load. This in turn would cause the processing queue to back up and page SRE causing work disruption as we scrambled to manually add more processor instances to increase throughput and reduce the queue.

We spent a lot of time analyzing the situation, adding new metrics, rewriting portions of the code based on our theories at the time, and ended up with several mitigations that reduced the likelihood that the processing queue backed up and sat with that for several months while we worked on other things.

One of the first things the Observability Team did was revisit the issue. New minds brought new theories, one of which was to change the instance type to one with a local ssd. That eliminated the disk io throttling the processors were incurring from using EBS for the symbols cache.

Now the Socorro processors are performing much like they did prior to September 2022, we've removed all the mitigations we had in place, and the processor queue isn't backing up anymore during periods of high load due to increased crash report volume and reprocessing. [bug 1795017]

Socorro: Stackwalker will use code id when debug id isn't available to fetch the symbols file

This allows symbolication of stacks where the debug id for modules is unknown. This improves crash signatures. Better signatures gives us better visibility into what crashes our users are encountering and how often.

For example, one of the problem signatures (#3 in Top Crashers at the time) looked like this:

OOM | large | mozalloc_abort | xul.dll | _PR_NativeRunThread | pr_root

and now looks like this:

OOM | large | mozalloc_abort | webrender::renderer::Renderer::render_impl

Rough estimate is that this significantly improved the crash signatures for 10k out of the 300k Firefox Windows crash reports we get a week.

See`Code info lookup: retrospective <https://bluesock.org/~willkg/blog/mozilla/socorro_tecken_code_info_retro.html>`__ for details. [bug 1746940]

Socorro misc

  • socorro-siggen v2.0.20231009 release. [v2.0.20231009]

  • 11 signature generation changes most of which were self-serve.

  • Lots of maintenance and documentation improvements.

  • 11 production deploys. Created 61 issues. Resolved 58 issues.

Tecken: Remove support for private symbols bucket

The Mozilla Symbols Server stored uploaded symbols in several places: a default storage bucket for build symbols, a "try" storage bucket for symbols from try builds, and a private symbols bucket. Mozilla primarily used the private symbols bucket for Flash symbols. However, we don't support Flash anymore, so we removed the private symbols bucket and all the code to support it. Removing this simplified symbols upload/download code significantly. [bug 1843356]

Tecken: Remove missing symbols bookkeeping

Mozilla Symbols Server used to keep track of symbols that were requested but didn't exist in the symbols buckets. Tecken had an API for querying this data which was used for reporting on which symbols Mozilla is missing. This helps us understand which symbols files we're missing when unwinding and symbolication stacks in crash ingestion.

There are better ways to get this data and keeping track of missing symbols in Tecken isn't helpful. We migrated users of this API and removed the data and code from Tecken. Removing this reduced the size of the database and simplified the download API code. [bug 1774004]

Tecken misc

  • fx-crash-sig v1.0.1 and v1.0.2 releases. [v1.0.1, v1.0.2]

  • Lots of maintenance and documentation improvements.

  • 16 production deploys. Created 58 issues. Resolved 56 issues.

Prototyping Evolving SRE

In December, we finished the work to transition the application support role from Data SRE to the Observability Team making us an engineering team that also owns application support for the services we maintain.

We've accrued a lot of experience in how to migrate from the separate Engineering team and SRE team model to the combined Engineering and SRE team model. If you're thinking about transitioning to a combined Engineering and SRE team model and have questions, come find us.

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Thank you for reading!

Want to comment? Send an email to willkg at bluesock dot org. Include the url for the blog entry in your comment so I have some context as to what you're talking about.