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crashstats-tools v2.0.0 released!
Tecken: The long windy journey to reproducing a problem remove_orphaned_files fixes
Tecken/Socorro: Code info lookup: retrospective (2023)
Bleach 6.0.0 release and deprecation
Socorro: Schema based overhaul of crash ingestion: retrospective (2022)
Project audit experiences
Eliot: retrospective (2021)
Mozilla: 10 years
Data Org Working Groups: retrospective (2020)
Switching from pyup to dependabot
How to pick up a project with an audit
crashstats-tools v1.0.1 released! cli for Crash Stats.
Bleach: stepping down as maintainer
Socorro: migrating to Python 3: retrospective (2018)
Bleach v3.0.0 released!
Siggen (Socorro signature generator) v0.2.0 released!
Standup report: End of days
AWS Lambda dev with Python
Socorro Smooth Mega-Migration: retrospective (2018)
html5lib-python 1.0 released!: retrospective (2017)
rob-bugson 1.0: or how I wrote a webextension
Socorro signature generation overhaul and command line interface: retrospective (2017)
Socorro local development environment: retrospective (2017)
Antenna: retrospective (2017)
The Soloists
Bleach v2.0 released!
Who uses my stuff?
Input: Trigger rule project Phase 1
Input: Moving to Django 1.8: retrospective (2015)
Input: Thank You project Phase 1: Part 1
Ditching ElasticUtils on Input for elasticsearch-dsl-py
Input: New feedback form
Input: Removing the frontpage chart
Dennis Retrospective (2013)
Firefox 3 enclosure support: retrospective (2008)
car window